Nick VinZant
Senior PR Specialist
Nick VinZant is a Senior Research Analyst and Insurance Expert at QuoteWizard. A former journalist, Nick spent years covering the insurance, business, technology and transportation industries. He is a graduate of Kansas State University.
All articles by Nick
States with the Most Seasonal DepressionIt’s estimated that around 20 million people (1 in 20) suffer from seasonal depression every year. However, seasonal depression isn’t felt equally in all parts of the country. Our team of analysts found the states where people are most affected by seasonal depression.
The Verdict on Vaping and InsuranceIn case you haven’t heard, a new trend is bringing nicotine back in a big way. The industry of vaping and e-cigarettes has exploded. But are e-cigarettes healthier than regular ones? How strict should regulations be? And how does all of this impact health and life insurance?
Childbirth Is in Steady Decline, Here's WhereChildbirth is declining nationwide. Our team of analysts found that births have declined by 7% since 2016. Add it up and nearly 350,000 fewer children were born in 2020 than in 2016.
Self-Driving Cars Will Make Owning a Car UnnecessaryRelying solely on ridesharing to get around doesn't currently make financial sense. But the advancement of autonomous driving technology could make owning a car unnecessary.
Open Enrollment: Which States Benefit MostHealth insurance open enrollment is available for those who are uninsured or would like to switch health plans. Which states are to benefit most from the special enrollment extension?
Comprehensive Insurance Guide for SeniorsInsurance – especially health – is vital for every senior. But there's a lot to consider. What kind of plan do you need? How much coverage should you have? We'll tell you everything seniors need to know about every kind of insurance.
Back to School: Insurance for College StudentsYour insurance options change as you grow up and head off to school. Make sure you have adequate health, auto, and home or renters insurance.
Why Some Parents Are Against VaccinationOur team of analysts looked at the latest information on vaccine hesitancy to find the main reasons why parents don’t want to vaccinate their children.
Which States Have The Best Homelessness Assistance ProgramsThe state of homelessness is an ongoing issue; each year tens of millions of Americans are at risk or endangered of being left without basic needs and safety. Which states have the best access, programs and affordable housing.
Unaffordable Housing: Housing Costs Race Ahead of IncomeHousing prices are rising fast. Income is not. Our analysts looked at a decade’s worth of housing and income reports to find the least affordable states - places where housing costs are racing ahead of income.
The Safest States for Summer TravelLooking for the best vacation spot? Our analysts go beyond the travel deals to make sure that cheap vacation doesn't turn into an all-inclusive nightmare. We look at everything from driving dangers and crime rates to health statistics to find the safest states to travel to on your next vacation.
The Riskiest States for Holiday TravelBetween the coronavirus, the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), travelers face a trio of health concerns this holiday season. Our team of analysts evaluated the latest health and safety data to find the riskiest states to travel to this holiday season.
The Rising Fear of Eviction or ForeclosureHigh housing costs, a potential end to a moratorium on evictions and prolonged unemployment have many Americans worried about keeping a roof over their heads. We found that nationwide, nearly 28% of people (1 in 4) who are behind on payments are worried they will face foreclosure or eviction in the next two months.
The Best and Worst Drivers by State 2022QuoteWizard paired 10 million data points with state fatality info to determine the best and worst driving states in the nation — and to help settle a few rivalries, too. We also provided an indication of how all 50 states rank in 2022.
Stay or Go: America’s New Travel HabitsOur team of analysts at QuoteWizard looked at mobility numbers from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the University of Maryland. We found that states that have a higher percentage of people staying home frequently have a lower number of coronavirus cases per capita.
States with the Most Medical Debt and Rising Health Care CostsRecent trends in health care costs, health care coverage, medical debt and household income have contributed to growing disparities between different income groups in the United States.
States With The Highest Seat Belt UseOur team of analysts found that seat belt use has increased by as much as 17% in some states over the last decade. However, we also found that seat belt use is declining in some states. This decline is concerning because nearly half of all traffic fatalities involve someone who wasn’t wearing a seat belt.
States Where Marriage and Divorce Are DecliningMarriage and divorce rates are declining nationwide, indicating that while fewer people are getting married, those who do so are staying together. Our team of analysts found that the marriage rate has declined by 8% since 2011. The divorce rate, meanwhile, has dropped by 17% over the same period.
States Least Prepared for Hospital CapacityWe analyzed Kaiser Family Foundation data on hospital beds and physicians per capita in each state to determine which states are least prepared for hospital capacity.
Rent Availability and Cost by StateAmericans are moving, and it’s changing the price of rent nationwide. Our team of analysts found that this reshuffling has dramatically changed the number of available apartments in almost every state, creating a significant issue of supply and demand that has reversed long-standing trends in the price of rent.
Pandemic Fuels Rise in Mental Health PrescriptionsThe number of Americans prescribed mental health medication has gone up almost 7% since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase means that nearly 65 million people (1 in 5) are now taking prescription medication to help them cope with stress, anxiety or depression.
Pandemic Anxiety and DepressionThe number of people dealing with anxiety and depression in each state has changed significantly over the last two years. Our team of analysts found that anxiety and depression levels increased during the first year of the pandemic, decreased dramatically in 2021 and are now rising again.
Loss of Opportunity: Women and COVID-19With fewer jobs, unequal access to healthcare and more exposure to COVID-19 on the frontlines, our data suggests that women - especially women of color - have disproportionately borne a greater share of the pandemic’s toll.
Inflation's Impact on Each StateChanging economic conditions are making it more difficult for people to afford household expenses. Our team of analysts found that the number of people who said they were having a “very difficult” time paying for their usual household expenses has increased by 33% since June.
How the Child Tax Credit Is Being SpentSigned into law as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the expanded child tax credit increased the tax credits. Our team of analysts discovered how people in each state spent the expanded credit.
How Debt in Each State Changed During the PandemicDespite record unemployment and financially uncertain times, America’s struggle with debt showed signs of improving during the first year of the pandemic. Our team of analysts found that credit card scores improved, more people got caught up on their student loans and the number of people in debt collection has declined over the last year.
Fraud Crimes Fueled by COVID-19 PandemicIn every state, in almost every category, fraud is on the rise — and it’s costing people billions of dollars. Our team of analysts found that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, fraud reports have increased by more than 30%, ultimately costing Americans more than $2.3 billion dollars in 2020.
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy by StateSide effects, government mistrust, necessity: There are many reasons why millions of Americans have chosen not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Our team of analysts looked at the latest data on vaccine hesitancy to find the main reasons why people aren’t getting vaccinated.
A Year At Risk: Race, Ethnicity and COVID-19People of color have disproportionately borne a greater share of the pandemic’s toll. As a proportion of the population, people of color have a higher rate of COVID-19 cases and deaths per 100k people, lower vaccination rates, higher rate of frontline and essential workers, less ability to work from home, and a higher rate of unemployment.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in WyomingQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Wyoming have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Worst States for Speedy DriversFor the lead footed drivers out there, some states are more forgiving and others can be more costly. See which states are best and which are worst for speedy drivers.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in WisconsinQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Wisconsin have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Willingness to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Among AdultsTo help predict the adoption of a COVID-19 vaccine we looked at public opinion of a vaccine and current vaccination rates.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in VirginiaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Virginia have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Virginia Driver ReportHow do Virginia drivers grade out? We here at QuoteWizard evaluated Virginia drivers on millions of data points to see how good or bad drivers really are.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in UtahQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Utah have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Uninsured Rates by State, Where it Changed The MostThe COVID-19 pandemic has left many unemployed and uninsured. See which states have been most impacted.
Uninsured Rates Among Essential WorkersEssential workers are facing greater risk in their work environments due to lack of health insurance and increased exposure to COVID-19
U.S. Mobility trends during COVID lockdowns | QuoteWizardAmericans mobility outside of the home has seen a significant decline since the coronavirus. See which states mobility has been most affected by the Coronavirus.
Top 10 Most Popular Cars Driven by MillennialsWith 71 Million estimated Millennials in America today, they’re closing in on becoming America’s largest generation. Millennials are the trend setters in industries like technology, but the auto
Best and Worst Driving Cities in Tennessee'sQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Tennessee have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
States with the Most Physically Active PeopleAmericans are becoming less active, and it’s impacting their health. Our team of analysts found that over the last four years, exercise rates have fallen by 1%, while obesity rates have risen by 10%.
States with the Largest Decline in Teen Birth RateNationally, teen birth rates have seen a steady decline over the last five years — a trend that started in the early 90s and continues today. Our team of analysts at QuoteWizard reviewed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on teen birth rates to identify the trends between 2014 and 2018.
States with the Highest Rates of DepressionOur analysis of depression rates across America found a direct link to access to mental healthcare and increases or decreases of depression rates.
States with the Highest Rate of VapersWhich states have the highest rate of vapers? We ranked all 50 states based on crude prevalence of e-cigarette among residents.
States With The Highest Rate Of Seniors With Underlying Health ConditionsWe analyzed CDC data on the most common high risk health conditions among seniors in each state to find where at-risk seniors are move vulnerable.
States with the Highest Hospital ExpensesWe analyzed hospital expense data to find which states have seen the largest increases in expenses over the last decade.
States With the Biggest Increases in Diabetes RatesQuoteWizard compared the prevalence of people with diabetes to compare the number of diabetics in each state from 2011 - 2021.
States With the Biggest Decrease in Child Car FatalitiesConnecticut, Illinois and Wisconsin had the largest decreases in child motor fatalities.Nationally, child motor fatalities decreased by an average of 52% since 1994.The national average
States with the Best Medicaid Benefit ProgramsQuoteWizard analyzed cost and funding data in each state to see which states provide the best Medicaid benefits.
States with the Best Access to HealthcareDo you have the best access to healthcare in your state? See where your state ranks.
States with biggest improvement in uninsured ratesSince 2010 every state has seen an improvement in uninsured people. But which states have seen the biggest improvement?
States with Biggest Decrease in Drunk Driving Fatality RatesQuoteWizard compared NHTSA data from 2000 to 2017 to find which states had the largest decrease in drunk driving fatalities.
States Where Millennials Are Most At Risk of COVID-19Underlying health conditions like chronic lung and cardiovascular disease puts people at higher risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms. We analyzed which states have the highest rate of millennials with underlying health conditions.
States Where Millennials Are Buying More HomesWe analyzed Census data among millennials to find which states are seeing the largest increase in millennial homeownership.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in South CarolinaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in South Carolina have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Smoking on the Decline as Vaping IncreasesAs people quote smoking and pick up vaping we wanted to see which states are seeing the highest rate of smoking to vaping transition.
Public Health and Natural Disaster Preparedness by StateWhen disaster strikes and public health is at risk how prepared is your state to handle the situation? We here at QuoteWizard evaluated each states on preparedness.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in OklahomaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Oklahoma have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Best and Worst Driving Cities in North Carolina'sQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in North Carolina have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Best and Worst Driving Cities in New MexicoQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in New Mexico have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Most Heart-Healthy StatesQuoteWizard analyzed CDC heart health factors to find which states are the most heart healthy.
Most Dangerous States for PedestriansWhich states are most dangerous for pedestrians. We analyzed NHTSA pedestrian fatality data to find where pedestrians are at the most risk.
Most Dangerous Sports for StudentsQuoteWizard analyzed sports injury data among high school and college age people to see which sports were most common for injuries in that age group.
Most Dangerous Months to DriveEver wonder what months are the most dangerous to be on the road? We compared fatality rates of each month of the year to find out which months are most dangerous.
Most Accident-Prone CarsQuoteWizard analyzed insurance quote data to find which cars on the road are most prone to accidents.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in MontanaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Montana have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Minnesota Driver ReportHow do Minnesota drivers grade out? We here at QuoteWizard evaluated Minnesota drivers on millions of data points to see how good or bad drivers really are.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in MinnesotaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Minnesota have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list
Best and Worst Driving Cities in IndianaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Indiana have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Illinois Driver ReportHow well do Illinois drivers grade out? We put together key driving factors to see how good, or bad Illinois drivers really are.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in IllinoisQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Illinois have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
How the Environment Has Influenced COVID-19How has air pollution in states affected the rate of COVID-19 cases? QuoteWizard analysis finds a connection between high polluting states and COVID-19 death rates.
Healthcare Spending Declines During PandemicWith so many people avoiding regular medical visits, hospitals and healthcare facilities saw significant decline in spending and record debt.
Health Policy Action During the PandemicWhich states have stepped up and brought the most health policy action to their people during the pandemic?
Health Insurers Earn Record Profits During PandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic has left millions ill with the virus and millions of Americans unemployed. Yet, health insurance companies are recording record profits.
Health Insurance Rate Increases by StateQuoteWizard analyzed health insurance premium data across the country to see which states are seeing the largest increase in health insurance premiums.
COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Groups by StateWho will receive the COVID-19 vaccine first? We break down the high-priority groups in each state to see where the vaccine will go first.
COVID-19 Unemployment and the Impact on Uninsured RatesUnemployment from COVID-19 layoffs will leave millions of Americans without health insurance and it will continue to grow with unemployment.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in ConnecticutQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Connecticut have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Colorado Driver ReportHow well do Colorado drivers grade out? We put together key driving factors to see how good, or bad Colorado drivers really are.
Child Vaccination Rates By StateEstimated decline in child vaccination rates during the coronavirus pandemic cases elevated back-to-school risk.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in MassachusettsQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Massachusetts have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Best and Worst Driving Cities in KentuckyQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Kentucky have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Best and Worst Drivers in Michigan, and How an Accident Affects Insurance RatesQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Michigan have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
America's Fittest and Fattest StatesWhat states have the fittest and fattest people? QuoteWizard ranked all 50 states on obesity statistics to find where the fittest and fattest people are.
Best and Worst Driving Cities in AlabamaQuoteWizard used driver data to find out which cities in Alabama have the best or the worst drivers. Does your city make the list?
Everybody Knows Distracted Driving is Dangerous, but What About Drowsy Driving?With about 83.6 million Americans driving while sleep-deprived every day, drowsy driving is one of the biggest safety concerns in the US.
Safest Driving Cities in ArizonaHere at QuoteWizard, we used our own driver-data to determine the top ten safest driving cities in Arizona. Did your hometown make the cut?
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Dog Bites?All dogs can bite, regardless of breed and temperament. Here's what dog owners should know about the coverage home insurance provides.