Cheapest Homeowners Insurance in North Dakota

Cheapest home insurance companies in North Dakota: North Star, $102 a month, and Allstate, $120 a month.

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North Star has the cheapest average rate for homeowners insurance in North Dakota at $102 a month. Allstate has the second-lowest home insurance rate in the state at $120 a month.

The average rates of both these companies come in well under both the North Dakota and national average home insurance rates. Still, it's in your best interests to compare quotes from multiple companies to make sure you get the best home coverage at the cheapest price. We put together this guide to help with that.

In this article

North Dakota's cheapest home insurance companies

North Star is the cheapest choice for home insurance in North Dakota at $102 a month, according to our research. Allstate has the second-lowest average rate at $120 a month. Country Mutual is a close third, with an average monthly rate of $122 a month.

Cheapest homeowners insurance rates in North Dakota
Company Monthly rate
North Star $102
Allstate $120
Country Mutual $122
Liberty $141
Nodak $161
Farmers $203
American Family $213
Average rates are based on non-binding estimates provided by Quadrant Information Services. Your rates may vary.

How much does homeowners insurance cost in North Dakota?

The average cost of home insurance in North Dakota is $152 a month. This is 4% higher than the average national homeowners insurance rate of $146 a month.

Home insurance providers calculate your policy quote based on many different factors. These include:

  • The age of your home
  • The construction materials used
  • Your ZIP code
  • Your insurance history

Home insurance companies charge different rates for the same coverage because they put different risk levels on different factors when quoting you for a policy. For example, one company might consider the age of your home to be more important than another company does. This makes comparing quotes important.

Compare quotes from top home insurance companies

Your policy deductible affects your home insurance premium, as well. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.

The best home insurance companies in North Dakota

We found that North Star and Allstate are the two best home insurance providers in North Dakota. Here's why:

North Star: Cheapest home insurance rate

North Star has the lowest rate for home insurance in North Dakota at $102 a month, coming in 33% cheaper than the average North Dakota rate of $152 a month. Started in 1920, North Star provides home insurance in eight Midwest states, including North Dakota, and has been awarded an A+ rating for financial stability by AM Best. This gives North Star excellent standing as a trusted, affordable home insurance provider in the Midwest.

Allstate: Best customer satisfaction

On top of having a low average home insurance rate of $120 a month, Allstate also maintains an excellent trend in customer claim resolution. It carries a rating of 0.76 on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Complaint Index. This index analyzes the claims-resolution capability of different home insurance providers, including payout and resolution time. The lower a provider's index value, the better. Given that the national average complaint index is 1.0, Allstate comes in with a very strong customer satisfaction position.

North Dakota's cheapest home insurance by city and county

Grand Forks has the cheapest average home insurance premium among North Dakota's 10 biggest cities, with Country Mutual at $95 a month. Jamestown and Wahpeton share the second-cheapest average rate of $97 a month with North Star Mutual. West Fargo has the third-cheapest rate of $99 a month with Country Mutual.

Cheapest home insurance rates in North Dakota by city
City Allstate Country Mutual North Star Mutual
Bismarck $132 $138 $127
Dickinson $132 $138 $115
Fargo $108 $102 $109
Grand Forks $108 $95 $104
Jamestown $132 $114 $97
Mandan $132 $138 $127
Minot $110 $109 $105
Wahpeton $108 $114 $97
West Fargo $108 $99 $109
Williston $112 $138 $115
Average rates are based on non-binding estimates provided by Quadrant Information Services. Your rates may vary.

When looking at the best rates in North Dakota's most populated counties, Richland, Rolette and Steele Counties share the lowest average homeowners insurance rate of $97 a month with North Star Mutual. Grand Forks County has the second-cheapest premium in the state at $98 a month with North Star Mutual. Cass County has the third-cheapest rate in North Dakota at $100 a month, again with North Star Mutual.

Cheapest home insurance rates in North Dakota by county
County Allstate Country Mutual North Star Mutual
Burleigh $128 $138 $110
Cass $108 $111 $100
Grand Forks $108 $101 $98
Morton $166 $138 $112
Richland $108 $114 $97
Rolette $108 $114 $97
Stark $157 $138 $115
Steele $114 $114 $97
Ward $110 $123 $109
Williams $112 $138 $115
Average rates are based on non-binding estimates provided by Quadrant Information Services. Your rates may vary.


We collected quotes from every ZIP code in North Dakota from the following home insurance companies:

  • Allstate
  • American Family
  • Country Mutual
  • Farmers
  • Liberty
  • Nodak
  • North Star

Average rates for a standard HO-3 homeowners insurance policy were calculated using the following coverages:

  • $275,000 dwelling (unless otherwise noted)
  • $27,500 other structures
  • $137,500 personal property
  • $55,000 loss of use
  • $100,000 liability
  • $5,000 medical payments
  • $1,000 deductible (unless otherwise noted)

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