Although the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," was signed into law in 2009, several myths and misunderstandings continue to hound this controversial and often confusing piece of legislation.
These misconceptions exist and persist for all sorts of reasons, of course. Among them, according to Vincent Plymell, communications manager for the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies’ Division of Insurance, is that "health insurance is a touchy, emotional issue for many. It intertwines a person's health and finances, both [of which are] very personal subjects." Plus, he adds, it often "combines these things with work--for those with employer-based insurance--and families."
Another factor fueling Obamacare misconceptions is the fact that "health costs and the cost of health insurance have been rising for years," Plymell says.
Add to that all of the "interconnected reasons, [like] the economy, society, medical practice patterns, agricultural policies, business policies, working environments, [and] rural versus urban issues," and you've got a situation that's so complicated that, as Plymell puts it, "it's easier to point at the ACA as the scapegoat for many problems in the health care industry."
For the record, Plymell considers the following to be the three biggest misunderstandings currently intertwined with this legislation:
- The ACA is eliminating all plans
- It's also driving up the costs of health insurance for fewer benefits (or less coverage)
- Everyone has to change insurance plans as a result of Obamacare
While you can keep your current plan, you're also free to compare health insurance plans and pick the one with the coverage you need. You may discover that switching to a carrier with lower rates can save you a bundle without sacrificing quality.
Here are some other common myths and misconceptions about the Affordable Care Act:
Myth: The law is keeping people who work part-time jobs from finding full-time employment
Truth: This myth has been making the rounds for a couple of years. It began when the Republican National Committee stated that over 8 million Americans couldn't find full-time work because of the healthcare law.
According to FactCheck.org, that assertion wasn't true then, and it doesn't appear to be true now. Still, anecdotal evidence suggests some employers may have reduced the hours of their part-time staffers to keep them from working more than 30 hours per week.
Myth: The ACA is going to prompt employers to hire fewer people moving forward
Truth: A popular variation on this particular myth s that the legislation will cause many Americans to lose their jobs.
This claim originated with a 2010 report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that suggested the law would have a “small” impact on the U.S. job market. This claim was supported by another CBO report said that more than two million people will decide not to work, or work less, because of the ACA. This decline has since been misconstrued and misreported in various circles to be the result of employers’ decisions.
Myth: The Affordable Care Act doesn't allow people to choose their doctors. Nor can they continue to see the doctors they've been going to for years
Truth: This myth likely was born out of the fear that the government was going to "take over" the U.S. healthcare system.
It should be clear by now that the ACA isn't a government-run system. The government doesn't actually provide insurance coverage to anyone. It acts as more of a middle man. And as a result it doesn't decide which doctors people can and can't see.
On a related note, the government also can't promise anyone that they will, without a doubt, be able to keep their current plans or their doctors. This is because employers are free to reconfigure their coverage options under the ACA just as they could before it became law.
Myth: The ACA requires that microchips be implanted into all patients
Truth: The Affordable Care Act doesn't mandate that everybody have microchips injected into various parts of their bodies. Neither does it require that devices of any kind be implanted into those who take advantage of the federal or state health insurance exchanges.
FactCheck.org suggests this misunderstanding came about because of a proposed provision that would have set up registry for certain kinds of implantable medical devices.
Myth: Members of Congress are exempt from Obamacare's requirements
Truth: Actually, U.S. lawmakers are both required to have health insurance and to buy that insurance through the government's "exchanges"--just like everyone else.
Myth: All non-U.S. citizens, whether they're legal or illegal, are being provided with free healthcare services as a part of this law
The Affordable Care Act doesn't provide free healthcare to anyone, regardless of whether or not they're legal or illegal residents of the United States.
Second, although some actual U.S. citizens can gain access to subsidies via the government's exchanges, the same is not true for illegal immigrants. Not only that, but the latter group can't even use those same sites to shop for health insurance.
Myth: Thanks to the ACA, health insurance premiums have increased more slowly than at any other time in the last 50 years
Truth: This myth has been supported and spread by President Obama himself, so its persistence probably shouldn't be all that surprising.
As for whether his claim is factual or not, Politifact.com, for one, suggests it's not. Or at least it isn't completely factual. Although available data shows that overall healthcare costs in the United States have slowed down, that isn't due to the Affordable Care Act alone. Also, there's no evidence that premium increases (those related to health insurance, at least) currently are at a 50-year low.
Myth: Obamacare forces Americans to consent to home inspections
Truth: Rest assured, no one related to the U.S. government will be beating on your front door in the name of the Affordable Care Act anytime soon.
If you live in one of 46 states, you're an expectant or new parent, and you meet certain requirements, you could be visited by a nurse. It's part of a program administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Administration for Children and Families.
This program, which is voluntary and allows participants to opt out at any time, appears to be what prompted this misunderstanding.
Myth: The Affordable Care Act doesn't cover cancer treatments after you reach a certain age
Truth: The existence of this myth is a bit strange considering the healthcare law basically leaves the Medicare program alone. Regardless, there's no basis for it.
Politifact.com points out that Medicare still covers cancer treatments for some of this country's 65-and-over population, just as it has for decades.
Myth: The ACA cuts benefits for military families and retirees
Truth: No, it does not. Just like Medicare, the ACA ignores TRICARE--which provides health coverage to active duty members of the military, plus retirees, survivors, and dependents. As a result, that program's beneficiaries haven't seen any changes to the amounts or kinds of coverage they receive.
Myth: Muslims are exempted from the law's requirement to obtain coverage
Truth: Actually, a small subset of the population is exempted from this noteworthy ACA requirement, but people of the Muslim faith aren't included in it.
The law's "religious conscience exemption" is aimed at groups like the Old Order Amish that disavow insurance, according to both FactCheck.org and Politifact.com.
Myth: The ACA is being forced on small businesses
Truth: It depends on how you define small business. Businesses with more than 50 full-time employees (FTEs) are required by the Affordable Care Act to either offer health coverage to their workers, or pay a fine. However, businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees are exempt from this provision.
It also can't really be said that small employers are being forced to use the insurance exchanges that have been mentioned throughout this article. Those businesses are free to purchase whatever plans they want directly through an insurance company. They can also turn to the government's Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).
Myth: Non-compliance penalties related to Obamacare are going to cripple employers of all sizes
Truth: This isn't an easy myth to shoot down or confirm based on whether it's true or not. Because, at the time of this writing, the penalties are not in effect.
However, the "employer mandate" component of the law could hurt some of these businesses once it's in full effect next year. The mandate requires companies with over 50 FTEs to offer a minimum amount of health coverage to their staff or pay a penalty,
Businesses with more than 50 FTEs who don't provide health coverage will face annual fines of $2,000 or more per FTE.
Myth: When filling out their applications for federal subsidies, people can lie about their income without worrying about being caught
Truth: Here's another misunderstanding that has been around for some time now. FactCheck.org says the government tries to verify the income information that's listed on applications for federal subsidies that are related to the ACA.
In fact, it compares what's included on these applications with information pulled from a person's previous tax returns and other such sources.
Myth: Even if you have Medicare, the Affordable Care Act requires you to buy more insurance or different kinds of insurance
Truth: Many have taken the "individual mandate" to mean they must buy health insurance through the exchanges even if they're already covered by Medicare.
Thankfully for them, that isn't the case. So, if you currently make use of Medicare and you have no complaints about the coverage it offers, there's no need for you to purchase additional coverage.
Myth: People have to wait longer to see their doctors because of this law
Truth: This myth seems to be the result of some of the early "scare tactics" that were used by the Affordable Care Act's opponents before it signed into law.
There's no evidence to suggest that your average American now has to wait longer to see a physician than he or she did a couple of years ago.
If anything, wait times should improve, as a number of the ACA's provisions address improving "quality of care" in various ways.
- 11 Myths About Health Care Reform
- IRS.gov's Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Page
- More Malarkey About Health Care
- Obamacare’s Lingering Myths and Misconceptions for Small Businesses
- Obamacare Myths
- Top 16 Myths About the Health Care Law
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